Distributing the training materials for the in-person workshop and for the online course is a key component of the sustainability of the investment in Prioritizing Privacy. By making the materials available through a digital open educational resource (OER) packet, other individuals and organizations can use and adapt the materials for their own needs. The OER packet will include the training curriculum itself for the workshops and online course, guidelines for facilitating the two types of training, an explainer of the underlying instructional design model, and recommendations for incorporating the materials into other training programs and library science courses.

Resources will be provided below.

Hinchliffe, L., & Jones, K. M. L. (2023). Prioritizing Privacy: Canvas Course Site. https://osf.io/auywk/
Hinchliffe, L., & Jones, K. (2023). Prioritizing Privacy: Course Instructor Handbook. https://osf.io/hwdn7
Hinchliffe, L. J., & Jones, K. M. L. (2023). Prioritizing Privacy: Workshop Materials. https://osf.io/mytbj/
Hinchliffe, L., & Jones, K. M. L. (2022). Prioritizing Privacy: Privacy Sourcebook. https://osf.io/yez39/